Thyroid & Adrenal

The thyroid and adrenal glands are two critical components of the endocrine system that play important roles in maintaining overall health and wellbeing. When these glands are not functioning properly, it can lead to a range of health issues, including fatigue, weight gain, and mood disturbances. Custom compounded medications can be an effective tool for supporting thyroid and adrenal health and function.

What is a thyroid gland?

The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, and development. When the thyroid gland is underactive, it can lead to a condition called hypothyroidism. Common symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, and difficulty losing weight, cold intolerance, dry skin, and depression.

optimize thyroid function

Compounded medications can be customized to address specific aspects of thyroid health. For example, compounded thyroid medications can contain a combination of thyroid hormones such as T3 and T4, which can help to address deficiencies and optimize thyroid function. Additionally, compounded thyroid medications can be formulated with specific dosages that are tailored to an individual’s unique needs, allowing for more precise and effective treatment.

Managing Stress

The adrenal glands produce hormones such as cortisol, which are involved in regulating stress response and blood sugar levels. When the adrenal glands are not functioning properly, it can lead to a condition called adrenal fatigue. Common symptoms of adrenal fatigue include fatigue, low blood pressure, difficulty concentrating, and increased susceptibility to infections.

Supporting adrenal health

Compounded medications can also be customized to support adrenal health and function. For example, compounded adrenal medications can contain ingredients such as adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha and licorice root, which can help to balance cortisol levels and support adrenal function. Additionally, compounded medications can be formulated in a variety of ways, including oral capsules, sublingual tablets, and topical creams, to best meet the individual needs of the patient.

Tailored to your needs

One of the benefits of custom compounded medications for thyroid and adrenal health is that they can be tailored to the specific needs of the patient. This can be particularly helpful for individuals who have not responded well to traditional treatments, or who have complex or difficult-to-treat conditions. By creating medications that are customized to the individual, compounding pharmacists can help to optimize treatment outcomes and improve overall health and wellbeing.

Customized Medication and Support

Another benefit of custom compounded medications for thyroid and adrenal health is that they can be formulated in a way that is easier for the patient to take. For example, some medications can be formulated as a topical cream or gel, which can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the skin. This can be helpful for individuals who have difficulty swallowing pills or who experience gastrointestinal side effects from traditional medications.

In addition to creating customized medications, compounding pharmacists can also provide counseling and support to patients who are working to support thyroid and adrenal health. This can include guidance on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes that can help to optimize hormone levels and improve overall health and wellbeing.


Custom compounded medications can be a valuable tool for supporting thyroid and adrenal health and function. By creating personalized medications that address specific aspects of these conditions, compounding pharmacists can help patients achieve their health and wellness goals more effectively and with fewer side effects.

If you are interested in learning more about custom compounded medications for thyroid and adrenal health from FarmaKeio Custom Compounding, talk to your healthcare provider or a licensed compounding pharmacist.

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